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      策輔助功能模組,有效解決災害難管理、災情難彙整、災時難決策的災害應變 三大難題,不但榮獲「國際創新獎」(International Innovation Awards)之服 務與解決方案獎項,更勇奪「WITSA 智慧城市首獎」。
而「災害管理資訊系統」(Emergency Management Information System 2.0, EMIS)則在 Covid-19 疫情期間蒐集大量疫調資料,透過大數據整合功能整理、 分析,再透過圖資視覺化和數據模組化功能,輔助市府各級指揮官快速決策, 並提供即時的風險管控和有效的資源配置,還能針對重災區投入大量醫療與公 衛資源,有效壓制疫情避免擴散,也榮獲 2023 年「雲端物聯網創新獎」傑出 應用獎肯定。消防局在技術創新和卓越應用方面不斷取得更多成就,為臺灣災 害管理帶來更多進步價值。
To effectively address the challenges posed by disasters, the "Integrated Disaster Management Platform" (EDP) in New Taipei City incorporates innovative technologies such as Geographic Information System (GIS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and data visualization. With digital integration, it features a unified monitoring platform, dynamic data visualization and a strategy for spatial design across various vehicles. The platform provides real-time monitoring and integrated modules for decision support. With above useful features and functions, the platform tackles three critical aspects in disaster response: disaster management difficulties, disaster intelligence compilation and decision-making challenges.This solution was given International Innovation Awards under the category of service and solution and also won the First Prize in the ‘2023 WITSA Smart Cities Award’.
Emergency Management Information System(EMIS) 2.0 collects huge amount of epidemic data during Covid-19, sorting and analyzing them with big data technology. The system also feature chart visualization and data module to transform the data into useful aid to decisions at all commander levels with the city. Real-time risk control and effective resource allocation are provided so that hard-hit region can receive medical and public- health resources rapidly. It played a critical role to contain the spread of Covid and therefore won the Outstanding Award in the 2023 Cloud IoT Innovation Award. The Fire Department continues to innovation in technology and application to bring progress and more value to Taiwan’s disaster management.

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