Page 27 - New Smart,New Infinity 智得其樂,新北i無限
P. 27

       為保護更多生活在高風險下的孩子,新北市於 2011 年實施「高風險家庭整合 型安全網」,為全國首創以跨局處、公私協力且資源多元介入的服務方式,翻 轉僅由社政單打獨鬥主責高風險兒少,以期盡早發現遭遇困難或需協助之高風 險家庭,提供即時伸援,避免或減低兒少因此而帶來的傷害。
為精進、創新服務模式,新北市政府 2019 年更開發出「新北市高風險家庭危 機預警管理系統」,藉由 148 萬筆資料進行大數據分析,探究脆弱家庭的因子 及樣貌,盤點熱點區域、建立預警模型,開發「風險計算機」,讓第一線社工 的服務更智慧、更到位,展現大數據與社會福利跨域合作的精采成果,也因此 獲頒 2020 年「智慧城市創新應用獎」智慧政府獎殊榮。
To protect more children living in high-risk situations, New Taipei City launched the "Integrated Safety Net for High-Risk Families" in the year 2011. This groundbreaking initiative is the first in the country to adopt a collaborative approach involving multiple government agencies and private resources. It overturns the conventional practice of relying solely on social welfare government agencies and aims to identify high-risk families in need early on. The goal is to provide immediate support, preventing or reducing harm to children and adolescents.
To refine and innovate related services, the city introduced the "New Taipei City High-Risk Family Crisis Warning Management System" in 2019. By analyzing a big data of 1.48 million entries, the system explores factors and profiles of vulnerable families, identifies hotspot areas, establishes warning models, and develops a risk calculator. This enables frontline social workers to provide smarter, more effective services. The cross-domain integration of big data and social welfare are very successful and won the the the "2020 Smart City Innovation Application Award" in the category of Smart Government.

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