Page 55 - New Smart,New Infinity 智得其樂,新北i無限
P. 55

    Community services cannot wait, and technology is the best solution. The first generation of Smart Neighborhood Head app needs to be operated through computers, which is inconvenient for neighborhood heads, who are constantly walking around visiting citizens and solving problems. Smart Neighborhood Head 2.0 is an upgraded version that can be accessed on the social platform LINE for all types of services. Thanks to its real-time feature, Smart Neighborhood Head official LINE account enables promptly reflection of opinions and needs from residents and neighborhood heads, ensuring seamless communication.
Smart Neighborhood Head 2.0 also allows neighborhood heads to do their job with just one click. Official documents can be received instantly on the cell phone and incidents timely reported; communications among government agencies are therefore more efficient. On this platform, the city government can pass municipal information by using real-time messaging, and neighborhood heads in turn share with residents. As for residents, they can use the app to access latest information of neighborhoods at any time or learn about newest events announced by the city government. The app also has a "call your neighborhood head" button that users can submit opinions and feedbacks to neighborhood heads whenever necessary for effective two-way communication so that community needs are well addressed.

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