Page 61 - New Smart,New Infinity 智得其樂,新北i無限
P. 61

       應用,超強整合術讓你不必於每個單位的「網海」中爬找奔波。除了能線 上申辦、歸戶查詢,還會貼心告知每個案件所需耗費的時間,以及流轉於各處 室的處理期程,輕鬆掌握進度,省去痴痴等候。
Do you have an elder family member who lives alone and needs long-term care? Are you planning a roadside banquet but have no idea whether the application for rights of way is approved? New Taipei City’s E-counter Cloud provides a wide variety of services that can be easily accessed. Especially when mobile phones have become a necessity in daily life, stable and fast internet connection are in place; simply log on as a member anywhere and anytime and your demands and wants will be fulfilled.
The e Counter Cloud operates 24/7, offering a selection of popular categories of query and also integrating natural person for more conveniences. Citizens no longer have to navigate the vast ocean of internet for information across agencies. In addition to online application and household inquiries, the e-Counter Cloud also provides detailed information on expected processing time of each case and its status in various agencies. Users can track the progress of applications immediately without anxious waiting.

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