Page 11 - New Smart,New Infinity 智得其樂,新北i無限
P. 11

   同時,「新北智慧社區」App 也成為新北市府與社區 即時雙向互動平臺,市府可在此推播各類在地活動及補 助、突發區域性停水停電緊急訊息等重大民生市政資訊,讓 住戶即時收取,抑或轉貼至社群平臺與親友分享;住戶也可透
過 App「通報市府」功能,反應路燈異常、噪音汙染等地方問題, 由市府列案處理,建立社區住戶及市府雙向溝通的橋梁。
In pursuit of a more convenient and secure lifestyle, communities new or old around New Taipei City are adopting technologies to improve management for a
digital transformation into a smart community. To facilitate smart services in all domains within a community, the "New Taipei Smart Community" app digitalizes daily routines such as notices and announcements, mail and parcel dispatches, gas meter reading, facility reservation, opinion feedbacks, etc. All things big and small can be accessed on line and free from the constraints of time and space, creating a smart, mobile and more convenient lifestyle for residents.
The "New Taipei Smart Community" app also serves as a real-time interactive platform between the city government and communities. The city government can push notifications directly to users through the app, such activities or subsidies as well as contingent municipal information such as sudden regional water or power outages. Residents are able to receive real-time updates to share on social media with friends and family. Furthermore, residents can use the app to report anomalies to the agency- in-charge for improvement, such as streetlight problems or noise pollution. This electronic platform facilitates an efficient two-way communication between community residents and the city government.

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